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About Headgames Radio


Nick Lowery on Sports Byline USA, Sirius Satellite Radio and American Forces Radio,
Bringing cutting-edge insight into human performance technology for your daily dose of performance wisdom!

The Headgames Performance Team (see Performance Team page at www.Headgamesradio.com) is an unsurpassed team of performance experts on and off the field!  It includes the National Center for Human Performance (with partners from NASA and the Olympic Team) and West Point’s Center for Enhanced Performance and two Olympic Sports Psychologists, plus the personal performance coach for Baseball’s highest paid player and American League MVP Alex Rodriguez! Each week we will demonstrate proven thought technologies that will help you in any field of endeavor, achieving excellence in performance psychology, leadership and decision-making.

·        Dr, John Eliot – Professor of Sports Ethics and Rice University, organizer of the National Center for Human Performance and author of Overachievement

·        Dr. Louis Czoka – founder of West Point’s Center for Enhanced Performance and Director of Apex Performance

·        Lt. Colonel Bill Adams – Director of West Point’s Center for Enhanced Performance

·        Jim Bauman – US  Olympic Team Sports Psychologist, Turino Olympics Ski team

·        Dr. Andrew Jacobs – former Olympic Cycling team sports psychologist and consultant to numerous pro and amateur champions as well as Youth Sports expert

·        Dr. Steven Solomon, former President of the San Diego Psychological Association, noted couples therapist and author of “Intimacy after Infidelity”

·        Jim Fannin – the ‘Zone Coach’ – personal performance coach to many top professional athletes including Alex Rodriguez

·        Peter Roby – Director of the Center for the Study of Sport in Society, former Harvard Head Basketball Coach and senior executive at Reebok

Headgames Performance Champions

·        Len Dawson – Hall of Fame NFL Quarterback and 22 year  CO-host of Inside the NFL on HBO

·        Dan O’Brien – former Olympic Decathlon Champion, World Record Holder and founder of Gold Medal Acceleration Fitness

·        Phil Mahre – Olympic Gold Medalist and most highly decorated US Men’s skier in History

‘Chaos Theory for Champions of life’

Each day Nick and the world class experts from our Performance Team will provide dynamic, entertaining and practical wisdom that benefits all of us in confronting today’s competitive, complex, constantly changing environment!

Nick Lowery is a 2005 NFL Hall of Fame nominee, Harvard MPA and three-time White House staff and Office of National Service veteran. He was cut 11 times by eight NFL teams before becoming the most accurate kicker in NFL History, holding the record for more than 13 years. Headgames is a daily show on the rapidly expanding Sirius Satellite network. Every weekday from 10-11:00 am Pacific, 1-2 pm Eastern, Nick brings a truly new kind of radio show that combines the URGENCY of Newstalk with the RELEVANCY of sports and more specifically, Performance excellence – how you can be at your best when it matters most, how you can confront pressure and anxiety and make it work for you, how you can help your children learn the fundamental lessons of life on the playing field – and off. Too many parents today are worried about where and how their children can learn the lessons of life; research confirms that the foundations of our social development and values are first built through sports. Headgames uses the dramas that play out at the Olympics, Pro sports – and amateur - levels to provoke revelations - about subjects that affect us all in the human game. 

“Headgames is Sports Talk with a human, practical edge – not just X’s and O’s!”

Headgames will have world champions and record setters from many fields - experts and heroes who have come through the fires of adversity to achieve true success on the playing field and the battle field of life. NFL Head Coaches, Gold medalists, Quarterbacks, Astronauts, Hall of Famers, Military heroes & top media story-tellers: winners in the real sense. As you drive in your car, or go about your day, confronting the messiness and chaos of life, tune in to drink your daily cup of performance wisdom. This one isn’t $5! – it’s worth a whole lot more, and it s free!

About the Host


Nick Lowery

Seven time All-Pro Nick Lowery is a true Renaissance man. Nick was nominated this past year to the NFL Hall of Fame after a record-setting career as a place-kicker with the Kansas City Chiefs. Nick set all-time NFL records for accuracy and most field goals, and kicked the game-winning points in three NFL Pro Bowls and 15 NFL games. The Kansas City Star listed Nick as one of the most popular Chiefs of all-time. A graduate of Dartmouth College, Nick is also the first pro-athlete to graduate with a Master’s from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, is the only person to work for both President George HW Bush and Bill Clinton in the White House Office of National Service, and was a legislative aide for two US Senators before making it in the NFL.  


Before becoming a record-setter in the NFL, Nick was cut by eight NFL teams 11 times! Nick won the NFL Players Association's most prestigious award, the Byron R. "Whizzer" White Award. You can read more information about Nick and his mentor, Justice Byron White, under the “Nick’s Kicks” section of the site. Persistence and mentorship are philosophical underpinnings for his nationally recognized youth development work. Nick is the founder of two national programs, Native Vision and Nation Building for Native Youth, two nationally recognized leadership programs. He was sworn in by Secretary of the Interior Gale Norton and is Acting Chair of the prestigious new National Fund for Excellence in American Indian Education.  


"Today", Nick says, "athletes have a remarkable spotlight on them. We can encourage, enlighten and empower people to ask better questions, solve their own problems, and tell their own stories of triumph. That, in a nutshell, is the purpose of Headgames!" 







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